
Showing posts from January, 2017


妆艺大游行反思 妆艺大游行是什么呢?你们可能听过,也有可能在电视上观看过,但是你们知道妆艺大游行的由来吗?让我来告诉你吧!妆艺大游行今年已是创办的第四十五年了。不止这样,妆艺大游行还包括了不同族群在同一个舞台上表演,例如:日本及印度。在我们立化学生去到妆艺大游行的现场的前周,已有从那个主办商的工作人员来到了立化来与我们讲解它的历史与由来。我们十分的期待要在星期六去到 F1 Pit Building。 但当我们去到哪儿时,那里正下着雨,每个人都露出了厌烦的表情。但当妆艺大游行的表演开始后,每个人都渐渐把专注放在了表演上。在那个表演中,我们看见了许多前几届妆艺大游行的雕像。我们还看见了许多舞者,他们都穿着不同的服装,代表着不同的种族,例如:马来人,华人等等。我在观看表演中不经意的注意到了有一个柱子,上面写着‘Resilience’。 Resilience 是什么呢?它有着坚持的意思。为什么坚持呢?坚持时间非常不容易的事,坚持需要极大的努力才能完成。而妆艺大游行是个大家都需要坚持的一个项目。每个表演者,无论日晒天晴,还是下着倾盆大雨,他们都需要坚持下去,不断的排练及表演。而妆艺大游行正是一个让人们聚集在一起,团结一致,坚持不懈的机会。我们,身为新加坡人,就要懂得与别的种族好好相处,一起为新加坡贡献,一起坚持到底。这就是我从中得到的最大启发——坚持。正所谓 “ pictures speaks a thousand words”,我会附上一些在哪里所拍下的照片,这些照片都传达了不同的信息。 总的来说,这次的经验十分难忘,也让我明白了文化的重要性,还有传统的凝聚力,是我们在一起生活在新加坡里。 想这张照片有何不同的雕像于道具,那老虎就是第一届妆艺大游行的代表性雕像。而在这照片里有不同表演者所利用的道具,这些都是他们坚持,辛辛苦苦努力做出来,就为了今年的表演,非常值得赞赏。 这就是我在之前所提到的柱子。 在图的左边就有着表演者穿着华人的服装以及挥动着附有华文字的旗子。而在后方有着穿着马来服装的舞者。我们看到的是不断行走的表演,而不同的舞者穿着不同的服装陆陆续续进场舞动着。 817字

A Picture to represent SG culture

This photo shows many words and phrases that are spoken in Singapore and that if they are not living in Singapore, they may not understand the language. Why did I choose this photo? I think it best represent Singapore as Singapore is a multi-racial country and that all of us live here harmoniously. This words and phrases only are spoken by different races is because we communicate with one another and this shows our culture, being able to have a language of our own. We have words like 'makan' that is of Malay language and we even have phrases from hokkien dialect and these are spoken by all the different races.

My Self-introduction

        My name is Beh Wan Ting and I am from class 2I. I am born in Malaysia but came to Singapore and started primary education. Both my parents are from Malaysia, specifically Renggam and Perak. My life in primary school was quite smooth except the fact that i score 71 for Science once when i was in primary 4 (worst experience). I live in Woodlands which is quite far away from RV. My CCA is NCC and i enjoy it there. For me, my hobby is to play/do sports like running or badminton. but to be honest my arm strength is very weak. The subjects that i like are Math and Geography. My best subject is Math (at least I think so).  I have a few gadgets at home that i used for entertainment and educations (favourite brand is Apple and HP). I also like CSI a lot. I also watch a lot of CSI related shows such as CSI:Cyber, Backstrom and MacGyver(S1) (strongly suggest to watch). I also played Blackshot last time until my rank was captain but I gave up on that account to focus more on my studies.