
Showing posts from March, 2017

E and C Week reflection

Reflection: "Experiencing another's culture may open doors that were previously closed...but the choice to walk through those door is entirely up to you." I am a Buddhist. What do the other religions believe in? What restrictions do they have? What clothes do they have to wear? What they have to do everyday? I do not know any of the answers until ENC week ended. And i would never thought of exploring the other religions' culture if not for this programme. ENC week is a week is enriching as it is filled with outdoor learning journeys where we go out to different places to explore other races or religions' culture. Then, i realised that there is so many difference between our different cultures. Well, to be honest, i realised that walking down the streets of these different places, they displayed a rich culture of their race.  To be honest, i felt that many of the students who just eat and drink at those places are wasting their time instead of admiring the

Lesson 6 reflection

I think that from the Suzhou Industrial park project existed as it benefits both country in one way or another. Despite the difference between Singapore and China in terms of politics and size, we still have strong relationship with China. the lesson that can be learnt is that despite the differences, we should accept each other, whether their strengths or shortcomings. From SIP we can also learn to overcome obstacles because SIP is not an easy project and we have to work things out in order for the project to work out like it had. I think that Singapore should continue to share her development experiences with the other countries as I think that it benefits more. Moreover, other countries do not see us as a selfish country. "Walk fast, walk alone. Walk far, walk together." I believe if we are willing to shre, the others would share theirs too, hence we can proceed faster and further together.